Overnight Pet Sitting
*Offered to Group Hike clients only
Trails and Tails offers overnight pet sitting, so your pets can be at home, even when you are not.
The most comfortable place for your pets to be while you are away is at home. Dogs love nothing more than to get out for walks, car rides, and adventures, but when they are played out, tired and ready to relax, home is the place they most want to be.
We will stay with your pets in your home, so they may continue to enjoy the comfort of their own familiar surroundings and maintain similar schedules and routines. Not only will they enjoy being in their happy place, they will have exercise and companionship when you can't be there to provide it.
We also care for kitties, including litter box maintenance, as well as, pocket pets such as rabbits, guinea bigs, hamsters etc.
Early morning and later evening walks (up to 20 mins) are included and can be tailored to your pets individual needs.
Meals, treats, and fresh water will be provided.
Medications, including injections such as insulin can be administered.
Having someone stay with your pets provides peace of mind, as well as home security, and ensures you will be in compliance with your home insurance policy.
We will perform light home maintenance including: watering plants, bringing in mail and parcels, taking out garbage and recycling, rotating home lighting and window coverings, and keeping your pets living area clean and tidy.
We will also customize a schedule of additional walks and/or potty break visits throughout the day
to suit the individual needs of you and your pets.
Please visit our Dog Walking and Care Visits page and Dog Walking and Care Visits Rates page
for a list of all services and fees.